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Sunday, 16 September 2012

Open Discussion: To Cross-Border Shop or Not?

My previous post has attracted some interesting comments from both Smoking Hot and SadButMadLad.  You can read them all starting here.

Both gentlemen make very good points -- starve the taxman by legally buying your tobacco products abroad (EU), or buy them locally (UK) to ensure that sales figures here remain steady to show that tobacco control industry legislation doesn't actually work. With thanks to both, here are excerpts of their comments:

SH: Starve them all out by never buying UK tobacco products. Purchase your smokes abroad. Anyone that buys their smokes in this country are paying for their own harassment ... period. [...]

SBML: That would be playing into their hand because they (TC) can then show the falling sales figures and say "Look our methods do work". What you need to do is keep buying from your local shop to show that display bans don't work. [...]

So should you cross-border shop or not? 

Please read all their comments, and then feel free to offer your opinion here in this thread.  I'm not taking sides. Let's keep it civil...
