Unsatisfied with bullying their way into our cars yesterday, the tobacco control industry's zealots -- this would be ASH, Bath University's Tobacco Control Research Group, CRUK, TobaccoFreeFutures, Fresh Northeast, et al -- are now attempting to bully, harass and censor the @TobaccoTacticss parody account on Twitter. It is a blatant attack on protected free speech. It's fucking bullshit. If you're on Twitter, please join in with the #FreeTobaccoTacticss hashtag and don't let these hateful bastards destroy any more of our liberties and freedoms.
Because the only reason why this shit happens is because we can't be bothered to fight back. If we let them do this to us without a fight, it's our fault.
PS: This is my 300th blog post.
PPS: Yes, I know I haven't blogged in over half of a year.
PPPS: There will be another blog post in a few weeks' time.
PPPPS: God damn it, stop letting these arseholes push us around.